20 май 2019
Унесенные ветром 1939 часть 1
Lost Soul
Ирина Черных
люблю эту вещь
Анастасия Вертинская
Любимый фильм!!! Любимая книга!!!Обожаю Маргарет Митчелл!!! Вивьен Ли!!! Кларк Гейбл-это идеал мужчины!!!
Елена Ямулина
Но он вовсе не идеал!
steve w
Very interesting to watch this with Russian dialog, you really cannot tell the actors are American and English...they could just as well be Russian. Clark Gable is my favorite actor and it was said that Hitler also liked Clark Gable and even offered a cash reward for the first German pilot to bring him in alive, as Clark served in WW 2 as a gunner on board the B-28 I believe.The other major actor in this movie is Leslie Howard an English(Jewish) actor whos airplane was shot down over the English Channel during WW 2 by the Luftwaffe and his body was never found.
steve w
I wonder if this film was shown in the Soviet Union back in 1939 when it was made? Or if Soviet citizens were able to watch Hollywood movies. Many Americans did not realize that almost all of the the big studio owners and Hollywood creators were actually Jews born in the Pale of Settlement. Samual Goldwyn (born Szmuel Gelbfisz) and Louis B. Mayer (born Lazar Meir in Minsk, former Belarus)and so many more , also famous actors who changed their name such as Edward G. Robinson (born Emanuel Goldberg in Romania), Paul Muni( born Frederick Meier Weisenfreund in the former Hungarian Empire..also Kurt Douglas, and many many more.